Sunday, May 25, 2008


These two photos of Jack were taken almost exactly a year apart. What a difference 12 months can make!

On Thursday I took him to meet the new wolf pups at the International Wolf Center. The place was packed and he only sat still in the auditorium for five minutes. We spent the rest of the time on the ramp outside the auditorium where he greeted every single person with his two-syllabled version of "hi" (he pronounces it "hi-yee!").

On Friday Anna and I spent the day cleaning up the yard of the shop. Virginia creeper had pretty much covered the place. Now she is re-doing the fence and I am planting a cottage garden.

The town is filling up with tourists and cabin owners. I love to see all of the cars with canoes on top. I also love that I can spot the non-locals in the grocery store.

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