Monday, June 23, 2008

Sensational Sidebar

Some of you may have noticed that I've been having fun adding things to the sidebar of this blog. I started with a list of blogs I visit - it also shows when each was last updated. Then I added a list of the books I'm reading - maybe it will remind you of something else you think I should check out.

Today I've taken it even further by adding some suggested links. One is a live webcam pointed at the main intersection in town. Click on over to see how busy things are, what the weather's like, or whether or not I happen to be walking by. (Mom and Dad, the restaurant we tried recently is just off-camera to the left.)

I've also posted a link to the local radio station, WELY. Our friend, Ray, has a wonderful show on Sundays called "The Pathways". We tune in every week. He plays great music and reads poetry, including his own. Get this: he starts each show by sounding a Tibetan singing bowl four times. I love that! If you've got a high-speed connection, I strongly recommend listening from 8-12 CST. (I am thinking specifically of you, Steffany!)

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