Monday, January 5, 2015

Finished Project! Twenty Below Hat

I am happy to report that I finished the first project for the 2-color knitting class I am taking at Sisu Designs: the "Ten Below" Hat designed by Anna Shallman.

I knit this hat for myself, but then Jack told me he wanted it. What could I say?

The hat turned out to be everything I wanted: I love the long pointy tip, the tassel, the Latvian braid, and the variegated band reminds me of the northern lights.

Instead of calling my finished project the "Ten Below" hat, however, I am calling it the "Twenty Below Hat".  It was -22 at Bog Ridge this morning!

For our next class project we will learn Fair Isle knitting . . .

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great work. You picked beautiful colors. I can see why Jack wanted it.