Sunday, March 9, 2008

Yarn Shop Boy

Susan and Anna have been teaching me about weaving. So far we are just setting up a loom and they have taught me how to "thread the heddles" and "lay out the warp". On Friday, it was time to "warp the loom". Because Scott was working, Jack went with me to the shop. He had a great time running around, pulling yarn of the shelves and pushing the buttons on the boom box. He also loved turning the handles on the loom and yarn ball winder.

Both Susan and Anna were very laid back about this little kid running around messing things up. In fact they seemed to enjoy it quite a bit. This isn't that surprising since it's the kind of shop where customers are encouraged to take yarn home to "play with" it and see if they like it. If they don't like it, they can bring it back. Most yarn shops require that returned yarn be in pristine condition with the wrapper still on. But this is not your ordinary yarn shop!

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