Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Day Off

Scott still has a few days of work left to do on the mural, but he couldn't go in yesterday because there was a fire in the new Forest Service building. Apparently it wasn't too serious of a fire, and the mural was unharmed, but they weren't letting anyone into the building yesterday because of the smoke. So, we had an unexpected day off. It was a beautiful day - clear skies and the temperature got up to around 70. We spent most of the time exploring "the Homestead". It was our first time there without snow and it was GREAT! It exciting to stand there and imagine you are at the kitchen sink or on the deck. Or in the garden. Or in the chicken coop! We had a blast.

My dad is still in the hospital and we are waiting for test results. When Scott is finished with the painting, this Thursday or Friday, we will go for a visit. It will take us one day to get there.

I am using a smaller size for the photos in this post. I'd love to know how that works for folks.

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