Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sunniva's Shrug

Well, I finally got all of my little girls' shrugs in the mail. Here is adorable Sunniva in hers:

Thanks Erika for sending the photo! The yarn I used for these was all Spud and Chloe, which is a superwash wool/organic cotton blend.

In other knitting news, I am having a terrible time with my "Nuss" sweater. Someday, it should look something like this:

For right now, however, I am stuck in an unproductive cycle of knitting, ripping out, re-knitting, ripping out again, etc. Many folks were impressed to see me working on this at my table during the recent NLAA craft sale, when in fact there was something that none of us realized. I was actually knitting right past the spot on the back where I was supposed to decrease. Make that several inches of lace pattern past the spot where I was supposed to decrease. I have been having a devil of a time getting back to the right spot for the decrease. Fun.

Oh, well. In times like these, it it good to have a back-up project. Mine right now has been the days of the week dishtowels for the sew-along. I'm happy to report that I am closing in on Thursday and may even finish Friday in the next few days. Who knows, we might even see photos here within the next week! Stay tuned.

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