Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Gardens at Bog Ridge

Despite having some frustration with landscaping in the back yard, I've been really happy with the garden along the south side of the house this summer. The southern exposure is perfect for my veggies and herbs in containers and small rock-lined beds.

My Adirondack chairs, which are strategically shaded by a young maple tree, are the perfect place to sit with a cool drink when it's not too buggy.
Jack and I named this garden friend Farfallina - Italian for "little butterfly".
Scott brought the Red Wing jug home for me from one of his work trips - he found it in the woods. 
I couldn't bring myself to part with these boots once Jack outgrew them.  They're perfect for violets.
The prayer flags remind me of my trip to see the Dalai Lama.   And they help keep the birds from flying into the picture window.
I had surprising luck with one particular package of wildflower mix.  We now have yellow, pink, purple, white and red flowers all along the front slope.  That means we get to watch lots of butterflies and hummingbirds all day long.  Hopefully it will prevent some erosion, too.
I've also started staining the outside of the house. I'm starting at the back, and I've only got a little bit done.
All of the cedar trim will get a clear coat, so we will end up with a two-toned house.
Who knows how far I'll get this summer, but it is fun to get an idea of what the place might look like some day.


StefandLin said...

It's lookin' great already. So glad to see a little bit of your life. We were over to Rosemary and Michael's for 4th of July fireworks and the bats flew by and I thought of you. Think about how great it is not to be living in the bat house! And your house is looking so good. Glad you have a "happy" place.
Love, Stef

skrapyram said...

Thanks, Stef!

Oh, yes, the bats! Creepy, creepy, yuck, yuck. Two houses we lived in out there were infested with them.

I do not miss them at all. But I DO miss you and North Cascades National Park.

I have been thinking of Rosemary and her garden every time I walk past my borage plants. What a beautiful spot, despite the bats.

Melissa Placzek said...

fantastic pictures! Sounds like you have lots of fun plans. Happy summer!

Anonymous said...

Wow, your place looks so good! Lotta work been goin' on!
Cute, cute ,cute!
--Sis-n-law Sue

skrapyram said...

Thanks Melissa and Sue! It is so much fun, and it's only going to get better. Someday there will even be a greenhouse out back (I hope).