Saturday, October 11, 2014

Stitch 'Em Up - Retro Stripe Dish Towels

Ever since I made my "days of the week" dish towels, I have been on the lookout for dish towels that are nice enough to embroider on. They are surprisingly hard to find!  That's why, on a recent trip to JoAnn Fabric in Austin, MN,  I scooped up these beauties from Aunt Martha's Blank Goods:

I love the weight, color, and size - at 18 x 28 inches, they are not as unwieldy as some of the other towels I've come across.

While I was standing in the embroidery section of the store, I couldn't resit the iron-on patterns from Stitcher's Revolution that were displayed with the towels.  The patterns even came with a color guide, so I was able to pick out all of the thread needed to complete the project.

Living way up here in Ely, I don't get to enjoy this kind of one-stop-shopping all that often, so it was quite the treat.

It's hard to say which of the transfers I think will make the best towel. It could be "a dab'll do ya," but if so, "butter me up" has got to be a close second.   What do you think?

1 comment:

Deborah said...

The coffee pot and cup are pretty darn cute!