Sunday, October 5, 2014

Yarn Swap!

This weekend, Sisu Designs hosted its first annual Yarn Swap and Sale.  What a fantastic idea!

When I first heard about the event, I assumed I would need to contribute some yarn in order to participate.  Since my current stash is pretty sad, I wasn't all that jazzed.

But then I found out the event was going to be more like a garage sale.  People with extra yarn brought it in ahead of time and then everything was priced and sorted before the sale started.

Luckily, I made it to the sale just as it was starting at 10:00 on Saturday morning.  With a self-imposed limit of $20 established beforehand, I opened the door to find a shop FULL of knitters and even more yarn than usual.

As I have come to expect from Sisu Designs, all of the yarn for sale was all-natural and high quality.  Everything was reasonably priced, and many partial skeins were even free.

I made it out of the sale around 11:00, with two full bags of scrumptious yarn and without going over my $20 limit!

I heard Anna say that she is planning to repeat the event next year during the same weekend in October.  It is already marked on my calendar.

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