Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A Dishtowel Curtain

Our new house has a lot of windows. In fact there are 15 windows on the main floor. Considering the size of the place, that's pretty crazy - there is practically no wall space.

One of the many places we just *had to* have a window was the bathroom. With all of the other features we wanted to work into the room, the need for a window led to some creative architecture, namely a diagonal wall for the window. The window is great, affording a wonderful view from every angle of the room.
The only problem is the resulting lack of privacy. We are in the woods, but still - sometimes you just want to know no one can see you. I have struggled with this issue, wondering how to provide privacy without blocking the view and light. All sorts of solutions were considered, but the answer was finally found in a simple dish towel from IKEA. (We all know how much I love IKEA, right?) The dimensions of the the towel turned sideways were perfect. I cut the hanging tab from the dishtowel, as well as the tabs from the other two towels that came in the pack, cut the tabs in half and folded them, and then reattached them to the side of the towel.

The towel lets in plenty of light and is easy to move aside. Most importantly, the multicolored dots make me smile each time I walk into the room!


Anonymous said...

looks great - we're excited to come check things out tomorrow -

Christina Claassen said...

So cute. I love it!

Maureen Hark said...

When we put the bathroom in our basement I insisted on two interior windows, one looking into the laundry room and one looking into the hall. we used the old original basement windows from the house, so they were small and we set them up high, as high as they could go. My family is still getting used to it - mostly John and Hansi have a problem with it. They want curtains, but I like all the light coming in...

StefandLin said...

very clever!!!